
If you have difficulty registering for a workshop, please contact me at:

Stay at Home Developing your Intuition with Animals Zoom Retreat

January 7th-10th 2020   on Zoom

Cost $495 

January 7th 10:00 am Pacific time – 12 Noon

January 8th and 9th :

Morning Program: 10:00 am PT-12 Noon

Afternoon Program: 2:00 PM PT-4:00 PM 

January 10th ,Sunday  10:00 AM PT-12 Noon

This is a retreat like format to help you discover and develop

your intuitive gifts while simultaneously working with the

animal kingdom to activate your intuitive insight

One hour Gift Certificate Animal Communication

Cost $225 

Half Hour Gift Certificate Animal Communication

4 Wednesdsays : July 1st, 8th, 15th and 22nd at 10:00 am PT

This is a 4 week online course that deepens your connection with your Animal Spirit Guides and activates your intuition and heart consciousness.

There will be journaling and meditations to support the opening of the activation.

Cost $145 



One Hour Gift Certificate for Personal Reading 

Cost $225 

email me at for questions